Climb / Train / Hangout Highball
is a dedicated indoor climbing centre which is proud to be part of an independent Norwich. Our vision is “to develop a world class climbing facility where people of all ages and abilities can come together to learn, improve, and achieve.” We promote health, fitness, fun and personal safety, with a strong focus on community and our planet. Highball will always be changing, always evolving, always growing, and always improving. Highball will #neverstandstill.

Your First Visit
Not sure where to start?
Start Here!

Adult Climbing
First Timers
Experienced Climbers

Online Registration
What you need to know
About registration

The Big Flash
Our Annual
Climbing Festival

Junior Climbing
Fun Sessions, Coaching Clubs
Teenagers Birthday Parties

The Venue
The Floor

Pricing and
Membership options

Opening Hours
Opening hours
and more info!

Getting Here
Contact details